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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Condo Landlords need Insurance

Renting a Condo to Tenants - Think about the insurance
Are you a condo landlord ?  Buying insurance for your condo is important for several reasons:

-- to protect the interior in case of damage, such as a fire
-- to protect yourself against liability claims, such as a accidental injuries.  Even if your tenant is living there, you still have a lot of potential risk
-- to insure the loss of rents due to the unit being unlivable as a result of a covered claim (ex: fire, smoke damage, or risks)

This list goes on an  - learn more at: Condo Insurance Information

You need to work with an agency that can help find insurance to meet your needs. 

For example, if you rent your condo or home as a "vacation rental", meaning that you rent it out weekly or monthly, some insurance carriers will not even offer you a quote.  Stratum can help you find coverage for your vacation rental.

Do you rent your condo furnished - meaning that you rent your furniture to your tenants?  Did you know that this is may not automatically be covered?  Did you know that we can help with renters insurance (for your tenants) that can offer coverage for your furniture?

What about animal liability - have you considered the liability risks if your tenant has a dog that bites someone?  Did you know that you can be sued?

These are just a few of the reasons to contact Stratum Insurance Agency LLC to request a quote for condo insurance.

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