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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Employment Practices Liability Insurance - Why Buy It?

Why buy employment practices liability insurance?

In this part of our series, we are going to look at several reasons that employees or even people that you interview but do not hire can sue you.  Keep in mind that this is a small list and that the list of potential claims is so long, that we could not address them in just one article.

Potential Employment Practices Liability Claims:

  • Discrimination
  • Not hiring or promoting someone due to his or her age, race, sex, or religion
  • Inter-office humor gets out of control, resulting in charges of racism
  • Employees sue for a hostile work environment
  • A third party sues because he or she claims racial discrimination
  • A potential new hire claims that he or she was discriminated against even though you simply choose to hire a more qualified candidate
Do you think that your company is too small to consider EPLI?  Did you know that a laege percentage of EPLI claims occur at companies with under 1000 employees?

Request a quote for EPLI from Stratum Insurance Agency LLC.  Quotes are available in 49 states for both private companies and non-profit businesses.  Most customers will also have access to valuable resources, such as hotlines or free consultations from human resources professionals.  

Why choose Stratum Insurance Agency LLC for your employment practices liability quote?
  • We work with multiple carriers to help you compare both prices and coverage options.
  • Stratum's small business team can help businesses with 1 employee, 100 employees, or more than 1000 employees.
  • Stratum works to bring access to loss control resources to our small business clients, such as free consultations from human resources firms, training services, and background checks either for free or at a discounted rate.
  • Stratum's modern technology helps us to obtain most quotes within 24 hours.
  • Stratum can help with tough to insure industries for EPL, including restaurants and law firms.
Speak to a member of the small business team by calling 949-270-0609 or request a quote for EPLI online.